The challenge

The people on the outskirts of Caracas need to rise very early every day to arrive on time to work, reason why they often sacrifice something as important as breakfast.

How can Kellogg’s transform this reality, and be chosen as the ideal and practical option for breakfast before going to work?

The idea

We transformed a typical morning in a different and unique experience with the KELLOGG’S BUS OF HAPPINESS. We picked up our target in their usual bus stop, and took them to their jobs in the best way possible: luxury seats, air conditioning, and the company’s highly acclaimed Chef: Sumito Estevez, who glorified the happy, practical and nutritious experience breakfast becomes with Kellogg’s.

The testimony of artists such as Norkis Batista were shown on plasma screens installed in KELLOGG’S BUS OF HAPPINESS, and a very renowned artists such as Rafael “El Pollo” Brito was invited, to disruptively enliven the morning ride of our target.

The result

A highly successful engagement with a difficult target to approach through this very original and amusing tasting of the product, and a brand experience that allowed the potential consumers to enjoy and interact in an ideal sphere and schedule.